Greetings from Italy 😃

Hello everyone!
It’s a huge pleasure to be part of this global community and to see how much street art exists around the world and how much more is still waiting to be discovered and shared!


Welcome to our beloved platform:)! Seems you’ve started uploading artworks, great!

Went a few years ago to Trieste, nice memories… eating a delicious pizza on the pier… sunset:). At that time, there wasn’t that much street art to see in Trieste, did some urbex exploration:).

Welcome from Melbourne, Australia!

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Thank you, Stef!

If you ever come back to Trieste, send me a message I’d be happy to show you around!

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Thank you Andrew!

I lived in Melbourne a few years ago and I loved it


Aah … small world.
And that lovely Adnate piece is still going strong!