Greetings from Greensboro NC, USA

Hi everyone…I am excited to be part of the community and look forward to not only documenting the art in my city but also learning about the art in yours. So far I have added 74 art pieces from our city and I am just getting started. We have artists from all over the world as well as local artists adding pieces on a regular basis. I also try to add photos of the artists as they are painting. If the artist gives a description or story about their work, I add that as well.

Hey Peggy

Welcome, you’ve been Busy. Quite An accomplishment adding so much in matter of days.
Hope you like our interface.
Got any questions, tips or advice.

Feel Free to share them
Grtz Tim from Antwerp

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Happy to have you here Peggy! Let me know if there’s anything - tech related or not - I can help with!

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thank you Thomas… :heart:

Thank you Tim. So far I am enjoying the interface. The only 2 things I would LOVE is a way to click straight into the forum from the manager and a way to add links in the descriptions so we can link to artist’s pages or articles written about the posted artwork. Will there ever be a way to add video as well so we can post actual footage of the artist painting or artist interviews? I am really enjoying looking at art in other cities!


Those 2 things are on our to do list (getting pretty long btw). The direct link from our manager page is in progress i believe and believe it or not. We’re working on our own artist pages with exactly thos things you mentioned.
Just a reminder we’re a small team with regular jobs or projects, so we need to prioritise stuff, but we’ll get there.

You guys are doing an amazing job!