Greeting from Greece


My name is Kiki Petridi, I am 42 years old and live at the suburbs of Athens.
I love street art and Athens is claimed to be the Mecca of graffiti, for the past few years.

I am taking photos for about 1 year and it’ s a joy to walk around Athens and being able to always have something to see. Many politically but at the same time socially accepted graffiti, that popped up from the economical crisis. A big canvas for Greek and foreign graffiti artists.

I am happy to join you and be able to contribute at the street art map of my city.

Kind regards from Greece :slight_smile:

IG: kikipetr


Hey Kiki,
Welcome to our little streetart community. Looking forward to see Athens some more, although Beatrice already did a splendid job.

Grtz Tim

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Hey! yeap, you can call me Beatrice’s little assistant :grin: <3

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Kiki, I believe the term is equal partners in crime :rofl: official welcome onboard :smiley:

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Lol, term accepted :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Welcome to the forum Kiki, I checked out your IG. You’ve captured some amazing works there :slight_smile:

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Hey, thank you!! :sunglasses::skull::ghost::alien: