Embedding Maps into Blogs

Hey guys, wondering if you could help me with a personal Project. I run an IG account for Roadside attractions and have had a Google Mymaps I’ve been building up since 2016.

It’s completely unrelated to Street Art or this project lol but I noticed another blogger had a SAC map embedded in her blog without an Iframe and would love to know how to do it so people will stop saving my google map and be forced to use my blog page.
Loosing a lot of traffic

Is it an API key ability? I’ve applied for a billing account to get it started if that’s the case.
OR is it a different kind of code?


When it comes to embedding the Street Art Cities map in your blog, here is a little tool to generate an embed code for a specific area:

This is a custom-built tool however, so if you’d want to replicate that for other types of maps you’d have to do some coding I think.

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Very cool tool.
I’ll have a long play with it tonight. I was looking to embed my non related street art map but you’ve def helped. I know what it’s suppose to look like now. haha

Thanks Thomas