City Name vs. URL Mismatch


I’ve been very lazy lately, moving up from Canberra to Sydney and haven’t really had time to upload my photos into SAC, sorry about that.

Just wanted to address some issues that came up early last month:

  • Repurposed City but Has Old Name
    When I requested all the artworks of Blacktown NSW, it left an empty city. I decided to repurpose this as Central Coast NSW. I haven’t added anything yet because when I go to the Central Coast URL, it still shows blacktown-nsw in the URL and the site heading as “Street Art in Blacktown NSW”. Can this be fixed?

  • Other repurposed cities
    I’ve also changed the name of Wentworth Falls NSW to Blue Mountains NSW, and Coal Point NSW to Newcastle NSW as they fit their encompassing local government areas.

  • Other Request
    Also can you please remove Rosebery NSW? It is an empty cities group with no artworks or contributors in the middle of Sydney.


Hi Briggs,

Always happy to help with these types of things!

I have:

  • renamed blacktown-nsw to central-coast-nsw
  • renamed wentworth-falls-nsw to blue-mountains-nsw
  • renamed coal-point-nsw to newcastle-nsw
  • removed rosebery-nsw

As with all of these types of changes, it can take a few hours before they show up everywhere.

This is perfect, thank you Thomas! Everything is displayed as expected.

I also noticed the site overall has had a revamp. The fonts are slightly crisper and the general loading time is much faster too.