Artist interviews

Here in Sheffield one of our prolific artists has been featured in a local online magazine. How can I input this information so it is freely available to our community and to visitors? Same applies for adding info about exhibitions etc. Jim


Could you share that link of the magazine? Maybe we should add a general tab with some info about the city.
About exhibitions, you can always add the to our app eventpage and there I’ll pick them up and share them on our socials:

And with the new ‘places’ feature you can add hotspots like galleries, designsgops, canshops, nice coffeebars, hostels if they have a connection with art. let me know if you know some places to add…

I agree that a specific tab would a good idea. There must be many other artists who have been interviewed or featured on tv. What a great way for our community to positively help artists develop their profiles. Similarly I think a tab to aid inputting events would be good and avoid the need for you to take on extra work! Jim

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