Artist contribution

Hi from Copenhagen

Its a great idea with artists contributing themselves, I have however had some problems, since I dont like to overrule the posts of others.

In these cases the artists have just made the posts somewhere randomly in Copenhagen, in one case a long time removed one.

I will not always be able to handle these contributions perfectly.


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Hi Jørn! We’re aware of similar things going on - and I really appreciate you reporting this.

Artists being on the platform is still relatively new for us, and we’re looking at ways to better educate them about how the platform works, and making sure things like setting the correct address and not creating duplicates becomes part of how everyone on the platform operates.

We do want to keep the platform open for everyone to make changes (similar to how Wikipedia or OpenStreetMap operate), so situations where artists overwrite hunters’ changes or vice versa will happen, but we expect everyone to operate with the same goals in mind, and hopefully we’re able to help and step in where possible if that doesn’t happen.

We’ve been talking with @Stef and @Streetartwerpenaar about some things we can do to improve this - a combination of technical and communications work:

  1. Making it harder to not put in an exact address for an artwork
  2. Better intro emails and comms with artists to inform them about how the platform works
  3. Alerting when duplicate artworks are created

If you have any other ideas on this, please feel free to share!


Hi Jørn,

As I’m actively convincing artist to verify their page, a lot of them have started adding their stuf. Which is good, but as Thomas already mentioned this comes with a shift in the equilibrium we built so far.
Artists also need to understand that locations are key, and I’ve been addressing this with some. But artists activities are increasing and I’m expecting this to explode in the future, we need to make sure artists also understand the rules of keeping the platform sustainable and the quality high.

Being a hunter is being the ambassador of your city, so it’s more than fair that you keep an eye out, so by all means if you come across such an upload by all means reach out and explain the artist. If you don’t feel comfortable, please let me know and I’ll do it.

About uploads that are not thee anymore, some of the artists can’t know that their work is removed, so they would love to hear if it’s gone. In the future they will get notified if an artwork has dissappeared. Wether this will be a live notification or an item in a monthly report, still needs to be defined.

As our comunity grows, the challenges will grow too. It’s up to us to find solutions.

Anyway, good eyes and keep on hunting.


Well, no big deal as long as the artists are aware, that we might correct them.
I just hope people, using this app will report, what I miss.

Merry Christmas


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Ill do my best, and thank
