App crashes in Geneva

Hello, I am on my way to Bern. Just for interest I wanted to see what is going on in Geneva. When I click the name Geneva the app crashes completely. Bern does not make a problem. I click on the button and I see quite a lot of works. I can enlarge , everything works. Can you check what‘s the problem with Geneva?
Thanks Sabine

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Hi there! Sorry about that!

Our team is currently looking into it, and will post an update here once it has been fixed.

Meanwhile, you can of course still view Geneva on the website, but not ideal, of course.

Hello @Frauk2,

Thank you for bringing our attention to the issue with Geneva’s availability in the app. Currently, Geneva has fewer than 8 artworks, which is causing the city to be unavailable. However, we have already updated the logic to address this issue, and the fix will be included in the upcoming app update.

We appreciate your diligence in identifying this problem, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Best regards,
Noa Heutz

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