A warm "Bonjour" from Paris - France!

Hi Everyone,

So here is my contribution to the Hunter Introductions’ Topic. Nice to meet you all !

I’m a native of the South of France, more precisely from Avignon, the “gate of Provence”. I recently moved to Paris, and I must admit that I fell in Love with the City of Lights :smile::smile:

I devote all my free time (which means nights during working days + full weekends) to wander in the streets of this wonderful metropolis. I’m always looking for a secret spot, an unknown monument or a cool place to eat/shop/drink/relax !
Actually, this activity grew so much on me that I consider operating a small change of carreer, in order to make a living out of my passion.

I’ve been a fan of the Street Culture in general for a long time now. Fashion, Food and Music are my favorite areas. As I found more and more pieces of Street Art during my explorations, I decided to add a new component to my spectrum.

I attended some cool exhibitions, events and art fairs to perfect my knowledge. However, I’m still a beginner in this field, so I count on you to help me become a real hunter !

Unfortunately, my current work is quite boring and doesn’t allow me to enjoy Paris as much as I would like. I hope to be an active member soon, but right now I’ll be an occasional Artwork publisher.

Anyway, I really look forward to get in touch with you :grin:
If you are in town for a Street Art Tour, or even for a more traditional leisure trip, I will be more than glad to accompany you. I could be your guide for a day if you want !!!

See you soon SAC community, it’s an honor to be part of the family :pray:

A bientôt !

Yann, A Parisian Wanderer

Hey @AParisianWanderer!

Paris is such a great place! I love it there and visit quite often. I’m excited to see what you uncover on your explorations :smiley:

A bientôt!


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Hey @lara.robs,

Thanks for the greetings ! I hope my contribution will be at the level of what I already saw on the App :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I don’t know Cardiff that well, so I’ll count on you to discover what kind of Street Artworks the city can offer !

Bonne soirée,
